Resume №2692 Updated 15 December 2016
By agreement
St. Petersburg (ready to move)

Male, 35 years

Citizenship: Other countries

Work experience

9 years 9 months

June 2015 — now

Workshop Manager

LT Avia (Техническое обслуживание баллонов кислородных систем, баллонов аварийных трапов/плотов, спасательных жилетов.), Riga



2015 г.

Riga Aeronautic Institute, Riga

Faculty Aircraft Maintenance Engineering

Specialization Aircraft Maintenace Engineer

Courses and trainings

1 month

End date: March 2014

Certificate of Recognition (Ref. LV.147.0001.14.002). Passed the theoretical elements of the approved type training course for Boeing 737-300/400/500 (CFM 56) B1 category. (21.03.2014) (EASA Form 149)

Riga Aeronautical Institute, г. Riga

Knowledge of foreign

Latvian (Conversational)

English (Technical/Special)

Computer knowledge:

Advanced user

Driver licence:

Categories B (2008 г.)

 Your hobbies:

Поиск старины с металлодетектором, рыбалка, охота.


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