Резюме №10884 Обновлено 7 июля 2021

  Еще 1 фото доступно зарегистрированным работодателям

По договоренности
Сменный график
Санкт-Петербург (возможен переезд)

Женщина, 35 лет

Рост: 173 см

Семейное положение: не состою в браке

Дети: нет

Гражданство: Россия

Опыт работы

8 месяцев

июль 2019 — март 2020


Mansarda restaurant (Premium Segment Services-Restaurants), Saint-Petersburg

• Taking orders
• Seating customers to their tables
• Explaining the menu and specials to the customers
• Serving food
• Clearing tables
• Providing good customer service
• Taking drinks orders
• Providing recommendations

1 год 9 месяцев

август 2018 — май 2020


Hotel “Atlantic” (Hotel Services Industry), Saint-Petersburg

• Reservation of rooms;
• Reception, registration, accommodation and discharge of visitors;
• Mutual settlements with guests and preparation of reporting documents;
• Full information on hotel services in person and by telephone;
• Сontrol over the observance of the rules of residence and use of rooms;
• Quality control of visitors' services;
• Сoordination of the hotel staff;
• Сonflict and non-standard situations.

7 лет 11 месяцев

апрель 2008 — март 2016

Assistant Manager-Administrator

Medical Center “Aist” (Medicine cosmetology), Saint-Petersburg

Medical Center “Aist”
• Coordinates the work of employees;
• Receives calls and records customers;
• Advises customers on the services of the salon
• Indications and contraindications for procedures;
• According to the offered product salon;
• Sells cosmetics and home care products;
• Monitors availability of the necessary means, serviceability of the equipment;
• Carries out settlements with customers, works with the cash desk.
• Presentation of the salon services;
• Conflict resolution;
• Payroll of employees.


Среднее специальное

2011 г.

Training center NERA, Saint-Petersburg

Факультет: Cosmetology, Nursing

Специальность: Esthetic cosmetologist, makeup artist

Неполное высшее

2007 г.

Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg

Факультет: Лечебное дело

Специальность: Cosmetologist

Курсы и тренинги

Дата окончания: август 2020 г.

Stewardess Business Aviation

Sky-jet school,Marina School, г. Санкт-петербург


Schengen Canada

Знание иностранных

Английский (Разговорный)

Немецкий (Базовый)

Уровень владения компьютером:

Уверенный пользователь

Водительские права:

Категории B

 Рекомендации и ссылки:

  Информация доступна только зарегистрированным работодателям

 Ключевые навыки и достижения:


School of stewards «Sky-Jet” (silver service, housekeeping and laundry service, sommelier)

Associate Medical Officer (Nurse) Certificate

Esthetic cosmetologist Educational and cosmetic center "Nera." (education in the field of health, makeup, hairstyles and style). Cosmetologistaesthetician.

English courses with accommodation in London (Kaplan school).

 Ваши хобби, увлечения:


Floristics, Winemaking, Trends in the restaurant and hotel sphere.

 Прочие сведения о себе, комментарии:

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hardworking person with a passion for people. I have many years of experience in hospitality(Hotel, Medical Center, Restourants) and working on teams. I’m a nice and friendly person, I’m am honest and punctual, I work well in a team but also on my own, I have good listening and communication skills. I have a creative mind and I am always up for new challenges. I am well organized and always plan ahead to make sure I manage my time well. Currently, I am seeking a position as a Stewardess.


Похожие резюме

По договоренности
женщина, стаж более 10 лет
От 15 000 руб / месяц
женщина, стаж более 7 лет
По договоренности
женщина, стаж более 3 лет
По договоренности
мужчина, стаж более 2 лет

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