Резюме №6841 Обновлено 13 августа 2018
По договоренности

Мужчина, 26 лет

Гражданство: Россия

Опыт работы

1 месяц

июль 2018 — август 2018

Internship in Innovation development department

Rossiya Airlines (Air transportation), St. Petersburg

1 месяц

июль 2017 — август 2017

Internship in aviation marketing department

Pulkovo Airport St. Petersburg (Air transportation), St. Petersburg

3 месяца

январь 2017 — апрель 2017


SPbSU (Organization of events (project activity)), St. Petersburg

I was a part of an organizational commitee of the first oficially licenced TED event held by Saint Petersburg State University on the 22th of April 2017

2 месяца

июнь 2016 — август 2016

Assistant manager of technical depatment

MERK Ltd. (Shipbuilding), St. Petersburg

I was responsible for corporate e-mailing, storehouse management, document collection


Неполное высшее

2020 г.

SPbSU, St. Petersburg

Факультет: Graduate School of Management

Специальность: Marketing

Знание иностранных

Английский (Свободный)

Испанский (Базовый)

Немецкий (Базовый)

Уровень владения компьютером:

Продвинутый пользователь

MS Office Package profound user, skills in Adobe Photoshop and STATA programms

 Ключевые навыки и достижения:

Winner of the regional stage of the Whole-Russian Olympiad in English language, spring 2016 г.
Russian delegate on the sports Forum “Doha GOALS Forum” in Qatar, December 2013
4th place in the whole-Russian audit case-championship «In Audit Style», organized by EY, PwC, KPMG in November 2017
Runner-up in SPbU Start-up contest 2018

 Ваши хобби, увлечения:

Civil aviation (spotting), sport, travelling, outdoor activity

 Прочие сведения о себе, комментарии:

Dear colleagues,
My name is Pavel and I am a second year student of Saint Petersburg State University (Gradute School of Management "GSOM" department) doing my bachelor course of business administration. My sincere and the only career dream is to become successful in the sphere of civil aviation. I feel passion about air transportation and its vital contribution to linking people around world in the 21st century. But post importantly, I am ready for my personal commitment to Russian aviation industry, because I firmly believe that it can be highly competitive with Western corporations in certain market segments.
My goal is to go through an internship program in company to gain priceless experience and to look from inside how a global company works. I would like to be a candidate for the internship in either of these departments: sales, marketing, PR (or other related departments).
I hope that my passion for your company won't be left unnoticed.


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