Resume: Специалист по пассажирским авиаперевозкам in St. Petersburg, 145 resume

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Resume 61—80
9 June 2022
From rub / month, 26 years, female, 172 см, 66 кг
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Специалиста по отчётности
Альфа банк
March 2020 — till now
23 August 2019
From rub / month, 31 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
Специалист (дефектоскопист)
Городской центр экспертиз
June 2017 — till now
30 March 2019
By agreement, 59 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 17 years
Last job:
Специалист НО
Аэропорт "Платов"
September 2017 — till now
26 July 2018
From rub / day, 59 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
"ОДК" АО "218 АРЗ"
April 2016 — till now
31 October 2016
By agreement, 33 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
Специалист отдела дистанционных продаж
ООО "Пулково-Экспресс"
July 2016 — August 2016
28 February 2023
From rub / month, 40 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 15 years
Last job:
Руководитель отдела аэропорта и объектов внешнего транспорта
August 2021 — September 2022
24 February 2019
From rub / month, 39 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 17 years
Last job:
Генеральный директор/Главный бухгалтер
ООО"Оранж Лайн"
February 2015 — till now
3 October 2018
From rub / month, 39 years, female
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 13 years
Last job:
Агент по регистрации
September 2017 — till now
18 April 2024
By agreement, 48 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 29 years
Last job:
Директор департамента по наземному обслуживанию
ООО "Semurg Airways"
February 2023 — till now
29 April 2024
By agreement, 34 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 7 years
Last job:
Менеджер вертолетной авиагруппы
АО «ЮТэйр-Вертолетные услуги»
October 2016 — October 2023
29 November 2019
From rub / month, 33 years, female
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 14 years
Last job:
Супервайзер Центра Оперативного Управления
АО "Эйр Астана"
March 2014 — November 2019
26 January 2016
By agreement, 37 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
Инженер IFE
ОАО "АК "Трансаэро"
July 2010 — till now
9 February 2020
From rub / month, 26 years, male, 4294967111 см, 72 кг
Total work experience:
less than a year
Last job:
Проводник пассажирского вагона
ОАО «Резерв проводников» Федеральная пассажирская компания
January 2019 — July 2019
19 September 2024
By agreement, 51 years, male
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 27 years
Last job:
Генеральный директор
Аэромакс-Авиа (Северо-Запад)
August 2022 — April 2024
28 November 2023
From rub / month, 26 years, male, 180 см, 80 кг
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
Авиакомпания "Сибирь"
February 2021 — March 2022
19 February 2023
From rub / month, 31 years, female, 157 см, 47 кг
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 6 years
Last job:
ООО "Авиакомпания "Победа"
October 2017 — till now
28 January 2023
By agreement, 35 years, female, 170 см, 46 кг
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 6 years
Last job:
ООО «Азур эйр»
April 2018 — till now
21 April 2021
From rub / month, 26 years, female, 175 см, 65 кг
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Ведущий эксперт отдела расписания
АО "Авиакомпания "Россия"
March 2019 — till now
15 September 2020
By agreement, 28 years, female, 165 см, 57 кг
Санкт-Петербург (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
ОАО АК Уральские авиалинии
May 2019 — May 2020
10 September 2020
By agreement, 33 years, female, 165 см, 57 кг
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
Агент пассажирского отдела
March 2020 — May 2020

